A lot of you know me, yet I'm pretty sure very few of you have heard my testimony. You might think that I can say that the Lord kept me free from the world because I was raised in a Christian home, was homeschooled and very involved in church and church camps, was highly active in my youth group and went to 2 years of Bible college plus stayed a third year to work on staff at that Bible college.
You might guess that the Lord saved me at a young age and spared me from a lot of things that many young people go through. Well, I guess I could say that I am very blessed to have been raised in a Godly Christian home where my parents were careful to protect us from worldly influences. I can say that God did spare me from quite a bit just from placing me in this home.
Yet, I still have a deceitful heart and was led astray for some time. This led me into a time of deep guilt and great saddness and even depression. But you know what! God used that sinful time in my life to draw me to Himself in a way I never knew Him before. I can relate to the woman in Luke 7:47 where Jesus says that she loved much because she was forgiven much. God has to bring us to the point where we realize our desperate need for Him before we can understand His forgiveness and His great love in a way that changes us never to be the same again. I wish that I didn't have to learn the hard way. In no way am I glad that I sinned against my Lord. This is how God did it for me, and I am so thankful that He used my disobedience to cause me to fall in love with Him in a way where I'm not sure that I would have otherwise. Thank you, Father!
I was listening to this John Waller song, and it just made me cry because I realize that this is the Jesus that I have and the Jesus that saved me!
He didn't save me because of anything I did or could ever do. He saved me because He is a God of grace and love and mercy and EVERYTHING else!
She was desperate
Down to her last hope
Now she crawls on her hands and her knees
Through a crowd on a dusty road
If she could touch Him
She knew He could make her well
Reaching and straining she touched His garment
Healing fell
And this is the Jesus I want
Friend of the broken and weak
What He did for her
I know He'll do for me
This is the Jesus I want
Giver of life and peace
Still today He's reaching out to you and me
This is the Jesus I need
Verse 2:
He had lost his mind
There was nothing but evil and anguish
There in those cold, dark eyes
But the day would come
Everyone would know
That the words of this Jesus
Could set free the captive
And make them whole
More than a story book fable
He is alive and He's able
To rescue anyone who believes
And this is the Jesus I want
Friend of the broken and weak
What He did for them
I know He'll do for you and me
This is the Jesus I want
Giver of life and peace
Still today He's reaching out to you and me
This is the Jesus I need