Thursday, October 7, 2010

The True Gospel- Paul Washer

Notes taken from a Paul Washer sermon that I was listening to earlier this evening...

There was so much more to it, but this part really stood out to me and I had to post it on my blog. If for no other reason, to remind me of what I heard because it is so directly related to my own testimony and I have to continue to remember it.

When I think of when the Lord first revealed to me how much He has forgiven me, I am brought once again to my knees. We have to be constantly daily reminded of the Gospel and what Christ did for us. It keeps us forever grateful to Him and more passionate about sharing Him with others because of what He has done for us. I know I don't deserve what He has done for me. My sin is great. But His death on the cross was more than great enough to pay the price for my sins to save me from the penalty of being separated from God forever.

Until you understand the depths of the sin of man, you cannot understand the glory of God in the Gospel.

Example: where did all the stars go this afternoon? You couldn't see them because there was so much light. You couldn't see their glory. You couldn't find them. But when the pitch black darkness of the sky appeared, the stars came out in the fullness of their glory. In the same way, we cannot understand the glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ until it is set against the pitch blackness of our own sin.

loves much because forgiven much(Luke 7:47)

We don't love Christ as much as we should because we do not realize how much we've been forgiven.
And we don't realize how much we've been forgiven b/c we don't see the full darkness of man.
sinful depravity...the more we see it, the more we see the glory of Christ.

We look at our sin so that it might lead us to Him.

"Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
Genesis 6:5

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

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